Sampling, preparation and analysis


25th Mar 2014

FLSmidth QCX/RoboLab® handles up to 200 samples

The QCX/Robolab system has been integrated into FLSmidth's Ore Characterization & Process Mineralogy Lab which is your best single source for mineralogical support services related to geo-metallurgy, heap leaching, concentrator optimization and characterization of other materials. The lab is one of the most advanced integrated mineralogy labs supporting the mining industry including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, quantitative X-Ray Diffractions, quantitative clay analysis, and Near Infrared analysis. By adding the QCX/RoboLab system, the OCPM lab has been able to increase it's capabilities to handle up to 200 samples per day of various sample types including drill core, blast hole material, and process samples. For more information about RoboLab - please visit our website at