Ful-Floor™ Pneumatic Reclaim System

Complete material recovery with a aerator pneumatic reclaim system

Material that’s stuck in storage is frustrating. It’s not making you money – in fact, it’s costing you money to get in there and retrieve it. We design all of our storage reclaim systems to ensure you get maximum reclaim efficiency, with minimum power consumption. No more wasted materials. No more wasted time.
Ful-Floor™ Pneumatic Reclaim System

what we offer

Advanced silo fluidization for optimal withdrawal of materials

Dry bulk materials can be tricky. They have a tendency to bridge and cake, making it difficult to discharge them from the silo when the time comes. Materials that are left in storage can build up over time, causing yet more issues – and all the product you can’t reclaim is money and time wasted on retrieval operations that can be risky to personnel and silo structures. We use advanced fluidization technology to move material out of storage smoothly and effortlessly. Our Ful-Floor™ reclaim systems use industry-proven FLSmidth Airslide® fabric anchored to nearly 100% of the floor area. Pushing air through the Airslide® fabric enables material to move swiftly and easily. Embedded aerator troughs and piping eliminate restrictions that can inhibit material flow. The gentle slope directs the flow of material out of storage, ensuring nothing is left behind. That’s it – air, gravity, and very little power consumption. Simple, but effective. And because there are no moving parts inside the storage area, the system requires little maintenance, giving you maximum availability at low operating costs.

Ful-Floor™ Pneumatic Reclaim System

Key Benefits

More product, less power – efficient aerator storage reclaim solutions


Maintenance and dependability

There are no moving parts inside the storage area, and with minimal abrasion on the floor surface, fabric wear life can exceed 20 years. Routine maintenance on the blowers and air control valves is the only requirement for automatic, trouble-free material reclaim.
Product Features
Silo fluidization configurations that suit your application

Every installation is designed with you in mind. Your materials, your capacity requirement, your application. Cone bottom storage silos are the most common for silo diameters under 14 meters (46 feet). Simple fluidization is usually provided on the cone walls to aid in continuous flow of material during the discharge operation. Open Airslide sections spaced equally around the cone can be activated all at once, individually, or in groups. Storage silos with 50 – 70˚ cone bottoms require minimal fluidization to prevent rat-holing and material bridging.

Total terminal system management
Our technology and commitment to product development and testing have made FLSmidth the leading supplier of storage silo fluidization and withdrawal. But reclaim from storage is just one part of terminal system management. FLSmidth can design and supply your complete control system to distribute the material flow, monitor inventory and transfer between storage facilities or directly to trucks, railcars, barges or ships. And throughout all these projects our focus remains on finding you the best solutions to improve productivity and profitability, safely, cleanly and effectively.


Article: Continental Cement – bigger and better storage

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Dome Technology article: Titan-Chesapeake Project summary

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Dome Technology article: Titan-Tampa Project summary

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Pneumatic conveying capabilities

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Storage Reclaim technology

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