3-Base Kiln
Looking for a traditional 3-base rotary kiln system? You’ll get good value from FLSmidth’s sturdy, flexible, low-maintenance kiln that combines classic technology with well-known performance. It has the longest lifespan of any 3-base kiln on the marketROTAX-2® Rotary Kiln
Our ROTAX-2® Rotary Kiln for cement delivers high production capacity and requires minimal energy and space. The two-base design saves on construction time and costs and this rotary kiln never needs kiln axis alignment. Pyroprocessing with proven operational reliabilityPrecast Kiln Outlet Sectors
Don’t waste time on costly kiln stops to make repairs. Our replaceable components can prolong the lifetime of kiln outlet sectors and drastically reduce replacement time. Replacing a damaged sector is easy. Reduce your costly downtime by having a second set of replaceable sectors ready to go for scheduled stoppages.Spring-tensioned Kiln Graphite Seal
Increase the efficiency and reliability of kiln sealing with the new spring-tension kiln graphite seal. The new thrust mechanism design improves energy efficiency, reduces emissions and extends equipment life, helping you meet your environmental targets as well as your production goals.
When you install one of our FLSmidth cement kilns, you’re installing more than 100 years of experience from cement plants around the world. Our rotary kilns are known for their reliable operational performance and their flexibility for upgrades as your business evolves. Cement plant kilns are our speciality, and we work hard to make sure that our cement kilns are space-saving, energy-efficient, and have a long lifespan.
Operational reliability
The kiln is the heart of a cement plant, and where most of the final chemical reactions take place. Stay competitive by investing in our top-quality rotary kiln designs. Both our innovative ROTAX-2® and our traditional 3-base kilns help ensure optimal quality clinker. They deliver maximum operational reliability with low operating costs. Go with a cost-effective, proven performer that delivers high productivity and low maintenance.
Online condition monitoring services for kilns
Industry 4.0 advances your capabilities like never before. Our online condition monitoring services use digitally-enabled technologies for continuous kiln monitoring, giving you the opportunity to spot issues early and react before they become problems. We’re not just collecting data, either. The information gathered by the sensors is analysed by the experts at our 24/7 Global Remote Service Center who will then feedback to you with their recommendations. You can get ahead on maintenance tasks and eliminate unplanned downtime, all with lower OPEX and greater productivity.
Innovation in cement kilns
Our newest kiln, the ROTAX-2® rotary kiln for cement plants, has a two-base design that helps cut down construction time. It never needs kiln axis alignment. And the ROTAX-2® rotary kiln has an innovative design that suspends the kiln shell inside suspended tyres on self-adjusting rollers. That means there’s no need for lubrication, because there’s no wear between the tyre and cement kiln. When it’s time for inspection or maintenance, there are no hidden parts on the innovative ROTAX-2® cement kiln. Everything is visible and easy to reach.
In addition, the lack of a kiln girth gear and the low number of supporting rollers helps you keep maintenance costs under control.
Traditional kiln with long lifespan
We also offer our traditional 3-base kiln system, a flexible, low-maintenance cement kiln that has the longest lifespan of any 3-base kiln available. This cement rotary kiln has balanced design to create optimal flexibility and stiffness, with as little wobbling as possible. It is available in sizes that range from 3.6m-6.6m in diameter and 55-104m in length. If your kiln feed has a high burnability index (BI), we offer an extended design that suits high BI kiln feed, as well as certain types of alternative fuels.
Graphite seals and precast kiln outlet sectors
We also offer graphite seals for rotary cement kilns that boost production capacity and energy efficiency while reducing maintenance. Our flexible design adapts to any size of kiln and helps cut the release of hot gasses and dust. Installation is easy with very little downtime. Another way to cut downtime is by using our precast outlet sectors for cement kilns. They make replacing a damaged sector quick and easy.
Why not have a second set of replaceable sectors ready to go? That way they can be installed whenever your planned downtime is scheduled, reducing costly kiln stops.