Maximize the life and productivity of your Ful-Vane™ compressors
Three systems designed to optimise compressor lubrication, reducing maintenance and increasing the llfe and productivity of your Ful-Vane™ Compressor.
Simple, reliable lubrication for Ful-Vane™ compressors
With proper lubrication, you can extend the life of your compressor and maximise performance, ensuring your conveying operation keeps moving. We have three Ful-Lube™ lubrications systems, designed specifically to meet the requirements of your Ful-Vane™ Compressor.

Ful-Lube™ 2 – A simple and reliable lubrication system that keeps your Ful-Vane™ rotary vane compressor properly lubricated for up to 30 days without refilling
Ful-Lube™ 3 – A PLC-based lubrication system that precisely delivers oil to each lubrication point and monitors your compressor’s operating parameters
Ful-Lube™ PLUS – Building on the functions of the Ful-Lube™ 3, this lubrication system is able to control the compressor and its auxiliary equipment
Smart technology does the work - so you don't have to
Precise lubrication and monitoring in one system
Automatically set the precise rate for lubrication delivery, reduce wastage and optimise compressor performance with the Ful-Lube™ 3 system. Delivering the right amount of oil to each lubrication point can make the difference between optimum compressor performance and failure. Our Ful-Lube™ 3 lubrication system uses simple, PLC-based automation to deliver the right amount of oil to each point, based on the application and compressor size. Accurate and precise to within +/-2%, this system not only protects your compressor but also your bottom line, by eliminating oil waste and reducing maintenance.
Increase the capabilities of your lubrication system
To make the most of its advanced compressor control capabilities, the Ful-Lube™ PLUS lubrication system features a 7-inch colour HMI, enabling you to take full advantage of the automated oil rate control and adjustment and compressor monitoring functions.
Simple and reliable lubrication for special applications
Sometimes you just need a basic, effective lubrication system designed for use in a classified area. The Ful-Lube™ 2 has you covered, ensuring your Ful-Vane™ compressor is properly lubricated for maximum life and performance with minimal maintenance and reduced risk. We’re also cutting the time spent filling the tank: this system features a 25-gallon reservoir ensuring your compressor is properly lubricated for up to 30 days without refilling.