ECS/ProcessExpert® advanced process control software

ECS/ProcessExpert® advanced process control software

Increase production, cut costs, and reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint

Specifically designed for the challenges faced by the cement industry, our ECS/ProcessExpert solution - the software commonly referred to as "PXP" - is your platform for improved performance. Based on state-of-the-art process optimisation and artificial intelligence technologies, it enables your plant to raise production, reduce costs, and extend equipment life.

What we offer

An intelligent control solution for the cement industry

Our ECS/ProcessExpert software provides advanced process control and optimization for the cement industry Bringing together our experience and knowledge of the cement making process with the most advanced control technologies, it delivers maximum efficiency and higher profitability, while also supports your sustainability ambitions, including reduced carbon emissions and higher alternative fuel substitution rates.

ECS/ProcessExpert® advanced process control software

Key Benefits

Improve your bottom line


Cut energy costs

Our ECS/ProcessExpert solution aims to reduce energy usage by around 5%, while improving productivity by a similar amount. And some customers have reported significantly higher gains, sometimes in the double digits. So, you’ll be saving money on energy without crimping output.

Increase production

You’ll be able to increase production, typically by about 5%, by ensuring your plant is operating efficiently. Higher production and lower costs will quickly have you on the path to greater productivity.

Reduced downtime, equipment wear and maintenance costs

Running your plant under less-than-optimum conditions will take a toll on your equipment, reducing the life of assets and potentially resulting in costly downtime. ECS/ProcessExpert software reduces wear on your assets by ensuring your operations are running efficiently.
Product features
Developed by process experts and equipment engineers

Our ECS/ProcessExpert solution is packed with features to lift the performance of your operations. With our software, you can be confident that your plant and equipment are working to their best capacity, no matter what the conditions. And you’ll have the support of our remote team of experts to make sure our system is working as you need it to.

Immediately respond to changes
We’ve designed the ECS/ProcessExpert software to constantly monitor conditions inside your kiln, crusher or mill. When conditions change, it responds to ensure that your plant and equipment are operating as smoothly as possible.
Optimisation and process disruption control
Our software initially operates in a normal control mode to stabilise equipment, using a range of calculated KPIs. Once stability has been achieved, it starts to work on optimising control to make sure your plant is working as closely as possible to the specified performance limits. And, in the event of process disruption, our software quickly adjusts conditions to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.
Mill ramp-up
The ECS/ProcessExpert software can optimise ramp-up of grinding circuits, ensuring that nominal production is achieved more quickly and with less process variability. The operator starts the mill following normal procedures. Once the machines are running, our software is turned on to control ramp-up of the mill to nominal production levels, and to then continue optimising it.
Target adaptation
The ECS/ProcessExpert software constantly adapts the operational targets, ensuring that maximum production and minimum energy and fuel consumption are achieved.
Remote monitoring
When you purchase our ECS/ProcessExpert solution, you’ll also have the ongoing support of our remote monitoring services team. Our technical experts are available to help troubleshoot and tune the system remotely to improve its performance and ensure its longevity.
Modules and Technologies
A platform that combines process control and AI technologies

The ECS/ProcessExpert platform includes several advanced and intelligent process control technologies. It combines well-known control techniques, such as model predictive control (MPC), with symbolic and non-symbolic AI technologies based on machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The end goal? A system that is best able to solve problems related to the control and optimisation of the cement process.

What’s new in ECS/ProcessExpert® V9.0?

We’ve significantly enhanced measuring and reporting capabilities with Control Loop Performance Monitoring V1, as well as improved dashboards, benchmarking, and analysis. The updates mark a step-change in our ability to measure and manager a plant’s carbon footprint with V9.0 providing both conventional metrics, as well as the ability to track savings in more tangible ways. As an example: producers can now compare the CO2 savings delivered by an individual mill using our process expert system to the equivalent number of trees planted, smart phones changes, or barrels of oil consumed. We’ll also shortly roll-out V9.1 as a seamless upgrade to V9.0. This update will activate the adaptive control technology made possible through our collaboration with Lin & Associates. Watch out for more information on this exciting new development soon! Keeping up with the green transition... The latest update ensures we remain at the forefront of the green transition in the cement industry. It’s a concrete demonstration of our commitment to invest and develop automation solutions that will support cement plants on their decarbonization journey: a journey that requires a flexible control strategy to manage and optimize the introduction of more and diverse alternative fuels, raw materials, additives and supplementary cementitious materials into the cement-making process. The V9.0 update is available as an upgrade to existing ECS/ProcessExpert software, as well as third-party systems.



ECS/ProcessExpert Solution - Advanced process control

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ECS/ProcessExpert Advanced process control for ball mill circuits

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ECS/ProcessExpert Advanced process control for kilns and coolers

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ECS/ProcessExpert Advanced process control for vertical roller mills

(1.54 MB) | Language: English