QCX/Manager performs sample management and the functions of cement laboratory information and automation. QCX/Reporting helps you to visualize analyses results and process values. QCX/BlendExpert™ is a proven money-saver. Precise blending results in a high-quality product with little variance. This stability gives you greater fuel efficiency, extends the life of your kiln liners and ensures the best use of your raw materials and additives.
QCX® Laboratory software
The more you understand your process, the easier it is to optimise. QCX/Manager and QCX/Reporting are indispensable tools to manage your laboratory, whether manual or fully automated. With the insight derived from plant data and laboratory analysis, you can improve product quality and increase productivity.QCX® Advanced Quality Control Systems
Bring your cement operation into the future with QCX/BlendExpert™, our advanced quality control software. With cutting-edge tools such as 3D modelling technology, our suite of quality control applications helps you better understand and adapt your raw materials, leading to cost and emissions reductions and big gains in efficiency and productivity.