Alternative fuels

Complete waste to energy solutions from an industry pioneer
Reducing your reliance on fossil fuels is better for your bottom line as well as for the environment. It’s a first step on the path to netzero – a switch that all plants can make with the technology available today. Introducing alternative fuels has an impact across the plant. The materials can have totally different characteristics from fossil fuels. They can be sticky, fluffy, moist, and fluctuating in size and quality or you may need to switch between different types of fuel with very different characteristics due to availability. They will burn differently, have a different reaction in the kiln and may require you to take other actions to ensure consistent clinker quality. There are a lot of variables at play – which is why you need an experienced partner on your side. With over 25 years of direct alternative fuels experience and more than 130 years in the cement industry, we have the technology and the knowledge to support you in every stage of your journey to cleaner cement production. In addition to the work carried out at our specialist research facility in Dania, we have learned by doing. And thanks to the pioneering attitude of our customers, we bring a lot of experience to the table. We’re ready to engage that experience on your alternative fuels project, to help you find the optimum solution for your process.

Article reprint from ICR May 2021: We have the technology, but where is the fuel?
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