OK™ Raw Mill

23rd Jan 2024

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What the sale of MAAG Gears means for FLSmidth Cement OK™ mills

Milling and grindingNewsGears and drives
The sale of the MAAG gears and drives business to Solix Group AB was announced 22 January 2024. The divestment marks a new phase in the relationship between the two companies that dates back decades.

Even the most successful relationships change and evolve over time. And the longstanding relationship between FLSmidth and MAAG Gears has certainly been nothing if not successful. MAAG Gear became a part of the FLSmidth family back in 1996 and its gears and drives are integral to the company’s world-leading OK™ vertical roller mills. Why then divest?

As part of the ongoing pure play transformation of FLSmidth Cement, “we realised that the MAAG Gears business would be better served under new ownership. It wasn’t a decision entered into lightly, but we believe it will allow MAAG to expand into new markets and take advantage of new opportunities in a way that simply wasn’t feasible under the FLSmidth umbrella,” explained Christopher Ashworth, President of FLSmidth Cement.

This doesn’t mean the end of the collaboration between the two companies, however, “We continue to hold the MAAG line of products and services in high regard and look forward to this new phase in our relationship,” continued Ashworth. “We’re excited to see them thrive under the expert stewardship of Solix Group.”

Of course, high-quality gear and drive systems remain a critical component of OK™ mills, which will continue to be a core product within FLSmidth Cement and critical pillar in the company’s green strategy, delivering energy-efficient and flexible grinding. This includes the ability to grind a variety of supplementary cementitious materials and blended cements – a key pathway in the cement industry’s journey to net zero.

“Vertical roller mills are an integral part of FLSmidth Cement,” concluded Ashworth. “The divestment of MAAG does not change that, nor does it compromise our ability to design, deliver, and service world-class vertical mill technology to the cement industry. Rather it allows both us and MAAG more freedom and resources to focus on what we do best as we continue to deliver world-leading solutions to our customers.”

Read the FLSmidth company announcement here FLSmidth Cement sells its MAAG gears and drives business to Solix