Firing Systems

Jetflex Burner
Designed for both new cement plants and upgrades of existing plants, our advanced firing systems offer high efficiency, low fuel consumption and low operating costs. Whether you are looking to burn fossil or alternative fuels in your pyro process, our wide range of firing systems will meet your needs.


Outstanding energy efficiency from our firing systems

The kiln is the heart of any cement plant. Any efficiency gains in your kiln system or pyro process can lead to significant savings in fuel costs and power costs – reducing your overall operating expenses. With a wide range of firing systems, from kiln burners to alternative fuel combustion devices, we can provide the perfect system for your needs and plant – improving fuel firing in your cement operation.

The latest in kiln burner technology

With their ability to economically produce good quality clinker, rotary kiln burners have been the backbone of the cement industry for decades. Over the years, we have refined kiln firing technology and developed a range of advanced kiln burners. Our range of JETFLEX® Burner give you cost-effective and efficient fuel firing, for any fuel type.

Burn almost anything for lower fuel costs

Integrated with your kiln and calciner systems, our HOTDISC® Combustion Device enables you to burn almost any alternative fuel – from refuse-derived fuels to whole truck tyres – giving you the ability to choose from a wide range of alternative fuel options and suppliers.

Upgrade or retrofit your current firing system

Most of our firing systems can be used to upgrade your existing cement plants, giving you a fast and cost-effective way to improve the efficiency of your kiln system and lower your operating costs.

Backed by knowledge and experience

Our extensive experience with the design and use of firing systems and kiln systems gives us a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities of cement processing plants. While the fundamental principles of fuel firing have not changed, we incorporate state-of-the-art technology and design tools into developing

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